BoardBook (2000)
Doha ya Doha
Written & illustrated by: Halla bint Khalid
Published by: Halla's Books
Inspired by: The scary lullabies
Published by: Halla's Books
Inspired by: The scary lullabies
Ages: 0-3
Ages: 0-3
Originating from Saudi Arabia’s Hijaz region, “Doha ya Doha” was once the most well known Saudi lullaby. Modern forms of entertainment put it on the long list of quickly disappearing aspects of Saudi heritage. In turning this delightful lullaby into a book, it has now been recorded for generations to come. Its’ twelve acrylic illustrations are faithful to the Hijazi culture and tradition.
In Islamic culture, almost everything begins and ends with a supplication. Words of prayer are usually taught to young children in a dry -and for me- frightening tone and manner. I wanted to bring some light into it.
- Halla
